Support Us

Ways to help

Make a tax-deductible contribution of any amount to help under-write scholarships. Your donation goes directly to our scholarship fund. Here are just a few of the ways you can help: Planned Giving, In Memorium, Named Scholarship, Matching Funds, and/or making a One Time Donation.

If you would like to donated via Planned Giving, In Memorium, Named Scholarship, and/or Matching Funds, please use contact us directly via our Contact Us page. If you would like to make a One Time Donation, please use the donation button.

Why support us?

With your help, we can do so much more for the deserving students of Fannin County, including:

  • Increase support to Fannin students from one-year to multi-year scholarships.
  • Fund additional resources at Fannin County High School, such as SAT prep courses.
  • Continue recognizing academic success. (The foundation currently recognizes the top 10 students in each graduating class with a gift, including placing their names on a plaque that hangs in the office at FCHS.)

Planned Giving

Contact a member of the Board of Trustees to discuss bequesting funds or naming the Foundation as a beneficiary in your will. Numerous planned giving options exist, including making the Foundation a beneficiary of a life insurance policy.

In Memorium

In lieu of flowers, you may ask mourners to honor a loved one with contributions to the Scholarship Foundation.

Named Scholarship

Remember a loved one, or honor an individual or family through a donation that generates an annual award.

Matching Funds

Many businesses and corporations have matching gift programs in which an employee’s contribution may be matched by the company.

One Time Donation

You can make a One Time Donation via PayPal by using the button below.